Serin at Hope Gap

A female Serin reported over Hope Gap, Seaford at 7.35 this morning (via Birdguides).

First Wheatear of 2010

The first local Wheatear of the spring found yesterday at Hope Gap, Seaford Head, yesterday, by Liam Curson (via SOS sightings).

Black Reds, Ouzel and Dartford + Cetti’s

Lots of late autumn migration this weekend. In our area, a couple of Black Redstarts at Newhaven Tidemills this morning (Jon Curson), a Ring Ouzel and a Dartford Warbler at Hope Gap (Mack Burnside).

Meanwhile, a count of 3-4 Cetti’s Warblers between Southease and Rodmell was notable, as was an upstream Rock Pipit (Liam and Jon Curson).

(both via SOS sightings)